Bio-One of Marion County decontamination and biohazard cleaning services

Bio-One of Marion County: Your Lifesaver in Sewage Emergencies


Sewage backups are a household nightmare that no one wants to experience. Besides causing property damage, they pose significant health risks. Sewage contains a plethora of harmful bacteria, viruses, and pathogens that can lead to serious illnesses if not properly managed. In such dire situations, it's crucial to have professionals handle the cleanup. Bio-One of Marion County is a biohazard cleaning company specializing in sewage cleanup and remediation. In this blog, we'll explore why sewage backups are emergencies, the health risks they carry, and why expert services like Bio-One of Marion County are essential for the job.

Sewage Backup

The Emergency of Sewage Backups

Sewage backups are emergencies for several reasons:

1. Immediate Health Hazards: When a backup occurs, harmful contaminants are released into your living space. This can lead to immediate health hazards for you and your family, including skin irritation, gastrointestinal issues, respiratory problems, and more.

2. Property Damage: Sewage water can cause extensive damage to your home, including structural damage and destruction of personal belongings. The longer it sits, the more costly and difficult the cleanup process becomes.

3. Foul Odors: Sewage backups often come with unbearable odors. These odors can permeate your home and are not only unpleasant but also potentially harmful to your health.

4. Spread of Disease: Sewage contains a variety of pathogens, including E. coli, hepatitis, and rotaviruses. Exposure to these pathogens can result in serious illnesses, particularly for children, the elderly, and individuals with weakened immune systems.

The Health Risks of Sewage Backups

1. Gastrointestinal Infections: The pathogens in sewage water can cause severe gastrointestinal infections. Symptoms include diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and dehydration. Sometimes, these infections can be life-threatening, especially for vulnerable individuals.

2. Respiratory Issues: Inhalation of sewage fumes and airborne contaminants can lead to respiratory problems, such as coughing, shortness of breath, and exacerbation of pre-existing respiratory conditions like asthma.

3. Skin Infections: Direct contact with sewage-contaminated water can result in skin infections, open sores, and rashes. These can be painful and may require medical attention.

4. Hepatitis and Other Viral Infections: Sewage can contain hepatitis A and other viruses, leading to liver infections and other health complications.

Why Bio-One of Marion County is Essential

Bio-One of Marion County specializes in biohazard cleaning, including sewage cleanup and remediation. Here's why their services are essential:

1. Expertise: Bio-One of Marion County's technicians are highly trained in biohazard cleanup, ensuring the sewage is safely and thoroughly removed.

2. Proper Equipment: They have access to specialized equipment and personal protective gear necessary for handling hazardous materials.

3. Health and Safety Compliance: Bio-One of Marion County adheres to industry best practices and regulations to protect both the occupants and their team from contamination.

4. Thorough Cleanup: They remove all traces of liquid waste and contaminants, preventing any lingering health risks.

5. Property Restoration: Beyond cleanup, Bio-One of Marion County can help restore your property, including repairing damaged structures and removing lingering odors.


Sewage backups are indeed emergencies due to the immediate health risks they pose. These emergencies require professional intervention. Bio-One of Marion County's expertise in biohazard cleanup makes them an invaluable resource for restoring your home and ensuring the health and safety of your family. If you ever find yourself facing the daunting challenge of a sewage backup, remember that professional help is just a phone call away.

About Us

Bio-One of Marion County is a locally owned and operated biohazard and hoarding cleaning company serving Indianapolis and the surrounding areas. We specialize in all types of extreme cleaning, including blood and bodily fluids, decomposition/undiscovered death, crime scene, suicide cleanup, tear gas, feces/urine, rodent droppings, sewage backups, hoarding, gross filth, virus/bacteria disinfection and odor removal. Helping people get their lives back in order is our #1 priority. 

Bio-One of Marion County is here to help you 24/7, 365 days a year!  Call (317) 499-0614, and you'll speak directly to one of us when you call; there is never an answering service.  We'll treat you like a person with the compassion and respect that you deserve. 

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is more than just the arrival of autumn leaves and pumpkin spice lattes; it's also a month dedicated to raising awareness about breast cancer. Breast Cancer Awareness Month is a powerful reminder of the importance of early detection, support, and the relentless fight against this formidable disease.

The Pink Ribbon: Symbol of Hope

The pink ribbon is one of the most recognizable symbols associated with Breast Cancer Awareness Month. This emblem of hope and solidarity has become a universal symbol of the fight against breast cancer. The pink ribbon serves as a reminder to women and men alike that early detection through regular screenings and self-exams can significantly improve the chances of survival.

Understanding the Importance of Early Detection

Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women worldwide, affecting millions of lives each year. However, the good news is that when detected early, the chances of successful treatment and recovery are significantly higher. Mammograms, clinical breast exams, and self-breast exams are crucial in detecting breast cancer in its early stages. Encouraging yourself and your loved ones to schedule regular screenings can make a world of difference.

Supporting Those Affected by Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer Awareness Month is also a time to show support and compassion to those who are currently battling the disease or have faced it in the past. Whether it's through participating in fundraising events, volunteering at local organizations, or simply offering a listening ear to someone in need, your support can make a profound impact on those affected by breast cancer.

Education is Empowerment

In addition to raising awareness and support, Breast Cancer Awareness Month also emphasizes the importance of education. Knowing the risk factors, symptoms, and treatment options can empower individuals to take control of their health and make informed decisions. It's crucial to understand that breast cancer can affect anyone, regardless of age or gender, so knowledge is a valuable weapon in the fight against this disease.

Getting Involved

There are numerous ways to get involved during Breast Cancer Awareness Month. You can participate in charity walks, runs, or bike rides, where funds raised go towards breast cancer research and support programs. Consider organizing a fundraising event in your community or making a donation to reputable breast cancer organizations. Even sharing information about breast cancer and the importance of early detection on your social media platforms can make a difference.

In conclusion, Breast Cancer Awareness Month is a time to unite in the fight against breast cancer. By wearing pink, spreading awareness, supporting those affected, and advocating for early detection, we can contribute to the global effort to eradicate this disease. Together, we can make strides towards a future where breast cancer is no longer a life-threatening diagnosis but a curable and preventable condition.

Bio-One of Marion County is a locally owned and operated biohazard and hoarding cleaning company serving Indianapolis and the surrounding areas. We specialize in all types of extreme cleaning, including blood and bodily fluids, decomposition/undiscovered death, crime scene, suicide cleanup, tear gas, feces/urine, rodent droppings, sewage backups, hoarding, gross filth, virus/bacteria disinfection and odor removal. Helping people get their lives back in order is our #1 priority. 

Bio-One of Marion County is here to help you 24/7, 365 days a year!  Call (317) 499-0614, and you'll speak directly to one of us when you call; there is never an answering service.  We'll treat you like a person with the compassion and respect that you deserve. 

Tear gas


Tear gas, commonly used by law enforcement agencies for crowd control and riot dispersal, is an effective but potentially harmful tool. While it serves its intended purpose of maintaining public order, the aftermath of tear gas deployment can be problematic. The chemical agents and residue left behind pose health risks and environmental hazards that require specialized cleanup procedures. This blog explores why biohazard cleanup teams like Bio-One Marion County are crucial in mitigating the aftermath of tear gas exposure.

Understanding Tear Gas

Despite its name, tear gas is not actually a gas but rather a collection of chemical compounds, most commonly CS gas and CN gas. These compounds are released in the form of aerosols or powder, causing irritation to the eyes, skin, respiratory system, and mucous membranes. While tear gas is generally considered non-lethal, exposure to it can lead to various health issues, from mild discomfort to more serious complications in individuals with underlying health conditions.

The Cleanup Challenge

Once deployed, tear gas disperses into the environment, settling on various surfaces such as streets, buildings, and personal belongings. This residue can linger for days or even weeks, posing health risks to anyone who comes into contact with it. The primary challenges in tear gas cleanup are:

  1. Health Hazards: Tear gas can cause a range of health issues, including respiratory problems, eye irritation, skin rashes, and, in some cases, more severe reactions. Those with underlying health conditions may be particularly vulnerable. In addition, the residue from tear gas can linger in the environment for an extended period, posing a long-term risk to anyone exposed to it.
  2. Environmental Impact: Tear gas chemicals can contaminate soil, water sources, and vegetation, leading to potential environmental contamination. This can harm local ecosystems and may require extensive cleanup efforts to mitigate damage.
  3. Property Damage: Tear gas can permeate and damage buildings, furniture, clothing, and personal belongings. Its acidic nature can lead to corrosion and staining, further necessitating a comprehensive cleanup.

Why Biohazard Cleanup Teams Are Necessary

Biohazard cleanup teams, such as Bio-One Marion County, specialize in cleaning up hazardous materials, including tear gas residue. Here's why their services are essential:

  1. Safety and Expertise: Tear gas residue contains harmful chemicals, making it a biohazard. Proper cleanup requires trained professionals who understand the risks involved and know how to handle hazardous materials safely. Bio-One Marion County has a team of experts experienced in biohazard cleanup and decontamination procedures.
  2. Specialized Equipment: Tear gas cleanup demands specialized equipment, including personal protective gear, respirators, and decontamination tools. Bio-One Marion County is equipped with the necessary gear and technology to ensure a thorough and safe cleanup process.
  3. Comprehensive Cleanup: Tear gas residue can linger in unexpected places, making it challenging to ensure complete decontamination. Bio-One Marion County's professional teams are trained to identify and address even the most hidden traces of tear gas, leaving the affected area truly safe for inhabitants.
  4. Environmental Responsibility: Tear gas cleanup involves proper disposal of contaminated materials and waste, ensuring minimal impact on the environment.
  5. Peace of Mind: Hiring a biohazard cleanup team like Bio-One Marion County provides peace of mind to property owners, tenants, and community members. Knowing that experts are handling the cleanup ensures the environment is safe and habitable.


Tear gas is a potent tool used for crowd control, but its aftermath can pose significant health risks, damage to property, and environmental harm. To mitigate these risks and ensure a thorough cleanup, specialized biohazard teams like Bio-One Marion County are essential. These professionals bring the expertise, equipment, and regulatory compliance necessary to safely and effectively decontaminate areas affected by tear gas, restoring them to a safe and habitable condition.

Tear gas cleanup is not a task to be taken lightly; it requires the skill and dedication of professionals who understand the unique challenges it presents. By recognizing the importance of these biohazard teams, we can better address the aftermath of tear gas exposure and work towards safer communities.


Bio-One of Marion County is a locally owned and operated biohazard and hoarding cleaning company serving Indianapolis and surrounding areas. We specialize in blood, bodily fluid, feces removal, rodent droppings, sewage cleanup, hoarding, pet hoarding, gross filth cleanup, tear gas remediation, and odor removal services. Helping people facing difficult situations get their surroundings and lives back in order is our #1 priority. 

 Bio-One is here to help you 24/7, 365 days a year!  Call (317) 499-0614, and you'll speak directly to one of us when you call; there is never an answering service.  We'll treat you like a person with the compassion and respect that you deserve. 

Biohazard Cleanup


Cleanliness is essential for maintaining a safe and healthy environment, whether at home, in the workplace, or in any public space. However, not all cleaning tasks are created equal. There's a distinct difference between regular cleaning and biohazard cleanup; understanding this difference is crucial for ensuring the safety and well-being of individuals in various settings.

Regular Cleaning: Maintenance for Everyday Living

Regular cleaning refers to the routine maintenance of spaces to keep them neat, organized, and free from dirt and clutter. This type of cleaning is part of our daily lives, involving tasks such as dusting, sweeping, mopping, vacuuming, and wiping surfaces. Regular cleaning is aimed at maintaining appearances, preventing the buildup of dirt and grime, and improving the overall aesthetic of a space. We do it to keep our living and working areas comfortable and visually appealing.

Biohazard Cleanup: Dealing with Dangerous Contaminants

On the other hand, biohazard cleanup goes far beyond the surface-level tidying associated with regular cleaning. Biohazards are biological materials that threaten human health, such as blood, bodily fluids, medical waste, and other potentially infectious substances. Biohazard cleanup involves the removal, cleaning, and disposal of these hazardous materials in a safe and regulated manner. This type of cleanup is necessary after traumatic events, accidents, crime scenes, industrial accidents, or in places where contamination from pathogens is suspected.

Key Differences: Biohazard Cleanup vs. Regular Cleaning

  1. Safety Concerns: The primary difference between biohazard cleanup and regular cleaning is the level of safety concerns involved. Regular cleaning focuses on making spaces look tidy, while biohazard cleanup centers on preventing the spread of infectious diseases and maintaining the health of individuals who may come into contact with the contaminants.
  2. Equipment and Training: Biohazard cleanup requires specialized training, equipment, and protective gear to ensure the safety of those performing the cleanup. Professionals in this field, like Bio-One of Marion County, are trained to handle potentially dangerous materials, use disinfectants effectively, and follow strict protocols to avoid cross-contamination. Regular cleaning typically involves basic cleaning tools and does not require the same level of specialized knowledge.
  3. Regulations and Compliance: Biohazard cleanup must adhere to strict regulations and guidelines set by health and safety authorities. There are legal requirements for handling and disposing of biohazardous materials properly. Regular cleaning does not have the same stringent regulations associated with it.
  4. Severity of Contamination: Biohazard cleanup addresses situations where the risk of contamination is high due to bloodborne pathogens, bacteria, viruses, and other harmful agents. Regular cleaning deals with everyday dirt and debris that do not pose the same health risks.
  5. Psychological Impact: Biohazard cleanup often involves emotionally distressing situations like crime scenes or accidents. Professionals in this field must be equipped to handle the psychological toll of these scenarios. Regular cleaning typically does not involve such emotional challenges.


In summary, the difference between biohazard cleanup and regular cleaning lies in the level of risk, specialized training, and equipment required. While regular cleaning is essential for maintaining a comfortable and appealing environment, biohazard cleanup is critical for preventing the spread of diseases and ensuring the safety of individuals in spaces contaminated by hazardous materials. Understanding these differences is vital for making informed decisions when it comes to addressing cleaning needs in various settings.

Bio-One of Marion County is a locally owned and operated biohazard and hoarding cleaning company serving Indianapolis and surrounding areas. We specialize in blood, bodily fluid, feces removal, rodent droppings, sewage cleanup, hoarding, pet hoarding, gross filth cleanup, tear gas remediation, and odor removal services. Helping people facing difficult situations get their surroundings and lives back in order is our #1 priority. 

Bio-One is here to help you 24/7, 365 days a year!  Call (317) 499-0614, and you'll speak directly to one of us when you call; there is never an answering service.  We'll treat you like a person with the compassion and respect that you deserve. 

Most homeowners' insurance policies cover the cleaning and decontamination of biohazard contaminants and damage resulting from a suicide, unattended death, crime, accident, medical emergency, and infectious disease.  In addition, the policy likely covers any repairs or replacement of structural elements (flooring, carpet and pad, baseboards, drywall) that must be removed as part of the remediation process. When a claim is first opened, the situation and details must be explained in a manner that helps to ensure coverage.   How the situation is explained to the claims representative can impact whether or not you are covered and how much is covered and mitigates delay in cleaning your home or property.

Bio-One Marion County has filed many claims on behalf of its clients. It can help you file a claim with your insurance company, guide you through the process and be your advocate to ensure that your insurance company provides all that you are entitled to based on your policy.

What if You Haven't Found the Homeowner's Insurance Policy?

Bio-One Marion County understands that the policy information is often not readily available or needs to be found inside the home after the cleanup is completed. If a loved one has passed in their home, we can help you find and recover the policy information as part of our cleanup efforts.

It is important not to delay the biohazard remediation and to avoid further damage to your property and emotional well-being. Bio-One Marion County is here to help, and we want you to be physically and emotionally safe; thus, the biohazard cleanup should be done without delay.

The Claim Process

  1. Bio-One Marion County will schedule with you a time and day to inspect and remediate the scene where the death or accident occurred.
  2. Bio-One Marion County will take the necessary photos and measurements to document the scene before, during, and after the biohazard remediation process. 
  3. Bio-One Marion County will collect the homeowner's insurance policy information necessary to file a claim on your behalf.  We will need the insurance company's name, the insured's name, and the policy number.
  4. Bio-One Marion County will call the insurance company's national claim line and provide detailed information to the claim handler so you don't have to. The claim handler will open a claim and, in most cases, provide us with a claim number and the assigned adjuster's name and contact information.  To protect our client's emotional well-being by not having to relive the details of the situation, we ask the adjuster to contact us directly so we can explain the situation in detail and the work that was done and discuss the next steps for any work that still needs to be done to remediate odor, cross contamination or repairs.
  5. Once the adjuster and Bio-One have spoken, the adjuster will contact you to verify the claim, get additional information, if necessary, and then discuss coverage with you.
  6. Once the job is complete, Bio-One will submit the documentation, a properly formatted invoice, a report, and photographs to the adjuster.  We inform the adjuster what repairs, if any, must be made to the structure. 
  7. The adjuster may call you to schedule an appointment so a field adjuster can visit the property to inspect and take measurements for funding the repair and replacement of covered items and structures.
  8. The insurance company will mail you a check for less than the deductible or send Bio-One Marion County a check directly for our portion of the claim, and we will invoice you for the deductible.

Bio-One Marion County has your best interest in mind when filing a claim and dealing with the assigned adjuster. How the case is presented, and the documents submitted are essential to helping to ensure that the only out-of-pocket expense is deductible.

Please note that most biohazard claims are covered; however, all policies are different, and coverage varies based on the type of policy and named peril exclusions. Deductibles typically vary between $250-$2,500 but could be higher depending on the policy. Not all insurance companies will permit third parties to file a claim on behalf of the insured. In those few cases, we will file the claim alongside you, guide the process for you, and do our best to shield you from reliving the details.

Bio-One of Marion County is a locally owned and operated biohazard and hoarding cleaning company serving Indianapolis and surrounding areas. We specialize in blood, bodily fluid, and feces removal, rodent droppings cleaning, sewage cleanup, hoarding and pet hoarding cleaning, gross filth cleanup, and odor removal services. Helping people who are faced with difficult situations to get their surroundings and lives back in order is our #1 priority. 

Bio-One is here to help you 24/7, 365 days a year!  Call (317) 499-0614, and you'll speak directly to one of us when you call; there is never an answering service.  We'll treat you like a person with the compassion and respect that you deserve. 

Biohazard technician

When faced with a biohazardous situation in your home or business, it's important to hire a professional biohazard cleanup company like Bio-One Marion County to handle the situation safely and effectively. But what can you expect during the cleanup process? Here is a step-by-step guide of what to expect during a biohazard cleanup:

Step 1: Assessment and Planning 

The first step in any biohazard cleanup is an assessment of the situation by the cleanup team. Our certified technicians will evaluate the extent of the damage, the type of biohazard present, and the equipment and personnel needed to complete the job. Once the assessment is complete, our team at Bio-One Marion County will create a plan of action and discuss it with you.

Step 2: Containment 

The next step is to contain the affected area to prevent the biohazard from spreading to other parts of the property. This may involve the use of physical barriers, negative air pressure systems, or other specialized equipment.

Step 3: Removal of Biohazardous Materials 

Our technicians will then begin the process of removing any biohazardous materials from the affected area. This may include removing contaminated materials such as carpets, furniture, or personal belongings.

Step 4: Cleaning and Disinfecting 

Once all biohazardous materials have been removed, the cleanup team will thoroughly clean and disinfect the affected area using specialized cleaning agents and equipment. This step is crucial to ensure that all traces of the biohazard have been eliminated.

Step 5: Deodorization 

In some cases, biohazardous materials can cause lingering odors. The cleanup team may use specialized deodorization techniques to eliminate any unpleasant smells.

Step 6: Final Inspection and Clearance 

Once the cleanup process is complete, the team will conduct a final inspection of the affected area to ensure that all biohazardous materials have been removed and the area is safe for use. If the area passes the inspection, the team will provide a certificate of clearance, indicating that the property has been fully restored.

In conclusion, biohazard cleanup is a complex and specialized process that requires the expertise of a professional cleanup company. By following this step-by-step guide, you can get a better idea of what to expect during the cleanup process and have peace of mind knowing that your property is safe and free from biohazards.

About Us

Bio-One of Marion County is a locally owned and operated biohazard and hoarding cleaning company serving Indianapolis and surrounding areas. We specialize in blood, bodily fluid, and feces removal, rodent droppings cleaning, sewage cleanup, hoarding and pet hoarding cleaning, gross filth cleanup, and odor removal services. Helping people who are faced with difficult situations to get their surroundings and lives back in order is our #1 priority. 

Bio-One is here to help you 24/7, 365 days a year! Call (317) 499-0614, and you'll speak directly to one of us when you call; there is never an answering service. We'll treat you like a person with the compassion and respect that you deserve. 

Protective equipment for a biohazard technician

What is C. Diff?

Clostridium difficile, also known as C. diff, is a type of bacteria that can cause severe diarrhea and other intestinal problems. Spores from C. diff bacteria are passed in feces and spread by touch to food, surfaces, and objects when infected people don't wash their hands thoroughly. These spores can persist in a room for weeks or months, and if you touch a surface contaminated with C. diff spores, you may unknowingly swallow the bacteria. C. diff infections can be difficult to treat, especially in older adults or individuals with weakened immune systems.

Decontamination Process

When cleaning up C. diff, it is important to understand that it is considered a biohazard. This means that it requires specialized techniques and equipment to ensure that the bacteria are completely eliminated, and the area is safe for others to use.

At Bio-One of Marion County, we have top-of-the-line chemicals, tools, and personal protective equipment capable of disinfecting the entire home quickly and effectively. Because C. diff is a bacteria transmitted by touch, many people falsely believe that a home can be disinfectd simply by wiping hard surfaces with a bleach mixture. That may work for some surfaces, but we use high-quality chemicals designed to kill these bacteria and a chemical fogging machine that creates a dense smoke of potent chemicals to kill all the hard-to-reach biohazards inside your home. This method is incredibly effective and usually allows our clients to return to their homes on the same day.

One important aspect of C. diff cleanup is the proper disposal of contaminated materials. Biohazard companies like Bio-One of Marion County are trained to follow strict protocols for the disposal of contaminated waste, which may include using special containers and following specific transportation and disposal procedures.


C. diff infection is a serious health concern that requires prompt and effective action to prevent its spread. Biohazard companies play a critical role in decontamination, using specialized equipment and techniques to disinfect contaminated areas and ensure the environment is safe for human habitation. By working with a reputable biohazard company like Bio-One of Marion County, individuals and organizations can take proactive steps to prevent the spread of C. diff infection and protect the health and safety of their communities.

About Us

Bio-One of Marion County is a locally owned and operated biohazard and hoarding cleaning company serving Indianapolis and surrounding areas. We specialize in blood, bodily fluid, and feces removal, rodent droppings cleaning, sewage cleanup, hoarding, and pet hoarding cleaning, gross filth cleanup, and odor removal services. Helping people who are faced with difficult situations to get their surroundings and lives back in order is our #1 priority. 

Bio-One is here to help you 24/7, 365 days a year!  Call (317) 499-0614, and you'll speak directly to one of us when you call; there is never an answering service. We'll treat you like a person with the compassion and respect that you deserve.

Thanks to multiple TV shows, I think most of us are at least aware of the term "hoarding" or "hoarders." Maybe you've seen an episode of "Hoarders" where a person's home is overtaken by clutter and filth. Although it may be easy to watch someone deal with this on TV, the reality of hoarding is not dealt with in a single one-hour episode.

is a mental health disorder that causes those suffering to compulsively acquire and keep items that may be considered useless or unnecessary. With hoarding disorder, sometimes even just the thought of getting rid of items can cause major distress for the individual.


Bio-One has assisted in the hoarding cleanup process for thousands of people across the US who struggle with this illness. At Bio-One, we take mental health seriously because the impact of those struggles can affect so many people, not just those who are personally afflicted. What may seem like basic clutter could be the early signs of a deeper issue. These situations can be mentally and emotionally taxing for all involved, so it is sometimes necessary to call professionals for help.

Bio-One, we take pride in helping others and treating them with the utmost respect, no matter the nature of the scene. We understand how overwhelming and daunting a major cleanup or remediation can be, which is why we are here to help. If you know someone who has hoarding tendencies, there are mental health professionals who specialize in diagnosing and treating hoarding disorders.



International OCD Foundation

American Psychiatric Foundation


Bio-One of Marion County is a locally owned and operated biohazard and hoarding cleaning company serving Indianapolis and surrounding areas. We specialize in blood, bodily fluid, and feces removal, rodent droppings cleaning, sewage cleanup, hoarding, and pet hoarding cleaning, gross filth cleanup, and odor removal services. Helping people who are faced with difficult situations to get their surroundings and lives back in order is our #1 priority. 

Bio-One is here to help you 24/7, 365 days a year!  Call (317) 499-0614, and you'll speak directly to one of us when you call; there is never an answering service.  We'll treat you like a person with the compassion and respect that you deserve. 

Blood Spill Cleanup

Blood spills can happen anywhere, whether in a hospital, laboratory, or your home. Regardless of where it happens, cleaning up the spill immediately and correctly is crucial to prevent the spreading of disease and potential health hazards. While it may be tempting to clean up the spill yourself, it's important to understand that blood spill cleanups should only be handled by biohazard companies. This blog discusses why you should leave blood spill cleanups to professionals.

Health Risks

Blood spills can pose a significant health risk, as they can contain bloodborne pathogens such as HIV, hepatitis B and C, and other harmful microorganisms. Exposure to these pathogens can result in serious health consequences, including infections, illnesses, and even death. Therefore, it's important to understand the risks and take proper precautions to avoid contact with the contaminated area.

Lack of Proper Equipment

Blood spill cleanup requires specialized equipment to ensure the area is thoroughly disinfected and safe for occupancy. Biohazard companies have access to professional-grade equipment, including personal protective gear, biohazard bags, and disinfectants. Without proper equipment, cleaning up a blood spill can be dangerous and can result in incomplete or inadequate cleaning.

Proper Disposal

Biohazard companies are trained to dispose of blood and other biohazardous waste properly. They follow strict protocols and adhere to state and federal regulations to ensure that the waste is disposed of safely and in an environmentally-friendly manner. If blood and other biohazardous waste are not disposed of properly, it can result in potential fines and harm to the environment.

Legal Liability

Cleaning up a blood spill yourself can result in potential legal liability if someone else is exposed to the contaminated area. Biohazard companies have insurance to cover any accidents or injuries that may occur during the cleanup process. This means that you won't be held liable for any damages that may result from the cleaning process.

In conclusion, blood spill cleanups should only be handled by biohazard companies due to the potential health risks, lack of proper equipment, proper disposal, and legal liability. If you encounter a blood spill, it's important to contact a biohazard company immediately to ensure that the area is safely and thoroughly disinfected. Remember, your safety and the safety of others is paramount, so don't take any unnecessary risks.

Bio-One of Marion County is a locally owned and operated biohazard and hoarding cleaning company serving Indianapolis and surrounding areas. We specialize in blood, bodily fluid, and feces removal, rodent droppings cleaning, sewage cleanup, hoarding, and pet hoarding cleaning, gross filth cleanup, and odor removal services. Helping people who are faced with difficult situations to get their surroundings and lives back in order is our #1 priority. 

Bio-One is here to help you 24/7, 365 days a year!  Call (317) 499-0614, and you'll speak directly to one of us when you call; there is never an answering service.  We'll treat you like a person with the compassion and respect that you deserve. 

Preparing to clean an undiscovered death
Preparing to remediate an undiscovered death scene

Biohazard cleaning crews are often tasked with the challenging job of cleaning up after traumatic incidents such as homicides, suicides, or accidents. While these situations are certainly difficult, they are also typically well-known and documented. However, there is another type of death that is much less talked about and can leave an even more significant impact on those left behind: undiscovered death.

Undiscovered death occurs when a person dies alone, and their body goes undiscovered for an extended period of time, often weeks or even months. These types of deaths are especially common among elderly people who live alone or individuals who do not have close family or friends to check on them regularly. In these cases, the person may have died from natural causes, suicide, or other factors, but the body decomposes without intervention.

Dealing with an undiscovered death can devastate family members and loved ones who may not have known that their relative or friend had passed away until weeks or even months later. The discovery of a decomposing body can also be traumatic for first responders and cleaning crews, who must deal with the physical and emotional aftermath of such a scene.

Cleaning up after an undiscovered death is a delicate process that requires specialized equipment, training, and experience. Biohazard cleaning crews must carefully remove and dispose of all biological materials, including bodily fluids and tissues, to ensure that the area is thoroughly decontaminated. They must also work quickly to address any odors and deodorize the space to help alleviate the psychological impact of the discovery.

In addition to physical cleaning, biohazard cleaning crews often play a crucial role in supporting family members and loved ones during the aftermath of an undiscovered death. They may work with law enforcement or other agencies to provide compassionate support and guidance during the difficult time.

Undiscovered death is a tragic and often overlooked aspect of death and dying. Biohazard cleaning crews play a critical role in addressing the aftermath of these situations and supporting the individuals and families impacted by them. Through their specialized training and expertise, these professionals help restore the affected area to a safe and sanitary condition while providing crucial emotional support and guidance during a difficult and traumatic time.

Bio-One of Marion County is a locally owned and operated biohazard and hoarding cleaning company serving Indianapolis and surrounding areas. We specialize in blood, bodily fluid, and feces removal, rodent droppings cleaning, sewage cleanup, hoarding, and pet hoarding cleaning, gross filth cleanup, and odor removal services. Helping people who are faced with difficult situations to get their surroundings and lives back in order is our #1 priority. 

Bio-One is here to help you 24/7, 365 days a year!  Call (317) 499-0614, and you'll speak directly to one of us when you call; there is never an answering service.  We'll treat you like a person with the compassion and respect that you deserve.