Bio-One of Marion County decontamination and biohazard cleaning services

7 Effective DIY Odor Removal Tips for a Fragrant Home

7 Effective DIY Odor-Removal Tips for a Fragrant Home - Bio-One of Marion County

Do you ever walk into your home and immediately get hit by an unpleasant odor? Or maybe you've had guests over who politely hint at a funky smell lingering in the air. Regardless of the source, unwanted odors can quickly make your home feel less inviting and fresh. But before you reach for store-bought air fresheners or candles, consider these 7 effective DIY odor removal tips for a fragrant home. Not only are they more budget-friendly, but they also use natural ingredients that are better for both your health and the environment.

baking soda, vinegar, and lemon
Image by Freepik

1. Baking Soda as an Air Freshener

Baking soda is a great all-purpose cleaner and deodorizer. To create an effective air freshener, simply mix equal parts baking soda and water in a spray bottle. You can also add a few drops of essential oils for a pleasant scent. Spray the mixture in any room or on fabrics to eliminate unwanted odors.

2. Vinegar Deodorizer

Vinegar is another versatile and natural ingredient that can help remove odors from your home. Mix equal parts vinegar and water in a spray bottle and use it to mist areas that tend to hold onto odors, such as carpets, upholstery, and curtains. The vinegar will neutralize the odor without leaving behind a strong vinegar scent.

Does Vinegar Smell Linger for Long Periods?

No, the vinegar smell will dissipate quickly once it has dried. If you are still concerned about the scent, you can add a few drops of essential oils to the mixture or open windows for better ventilation.

3. Lemon Peel Potpourri

Instead of using store-bought potpourri filled with artificial scents, create your own natural version using lemon peels. Simply save your lemon peels and let them dry out completely. Then, place them in a decorative bowl or jar and leave them out in any room where you want to freshen the air.

Charcoal Odor Absorber example
Image by Freepik

4. Charcoal Odor Absorber

Charcoal is another great option among DIY odor-removal tips. It's known for its ability to absorb odors and toxins, making it a perfect natural option for removing unwanted smells from your home. Place a few pieces of charcoal in small bowls or mesh bags and leave them in areas that need odor control, such as closets, bathrooms, and near trash cans.

5. Essential Oil Diffuser

Diffusing essential oils is a great way to not only freshen the air but also create a relaxing atmosphere in your home. Use an electronic diffuser or simply add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to a bowl of hot water and let it fill the room with a pleasant scent.

6. Natural Room Spray

For an easy and customizable air freshener, create your own natural room spray using distilled water, witch hazel, and essential oils. Combine them in a spray bottle and use them as needed to freshen up any room in your home.

7. Baking Soda Carpet Deodorizer

Baking soda is always present when trying DIY odor-removal tips. This is a powerful natural deodorizer that can help eliminate odors trapped in your carpets. Simply sprinkle baking soda over your carpet, let it sit for about 15 minutes, and then vacuum it up!

natural spray diy odor-removal tips solution
Image by Freepik

You Need to Tackle the Source of the Smell!

While these natural air freshener options can help mask and eliminate odors, it's important to also address the source of the smell. Make sure to regularly clean and declutter syour home to prevent any unwanted odors from lingering.

Learn more: Lingering Odors Indoors & How Bio-One Can Help Remove Them

If these DIY odor-removal tips don't work, Bio-One can Help!

If you're dealing with persistent odors or other issues in your home, Bio-One offers professional cleaning and odor removal services. In addition to using these natural methods, it's important to regularly clean and declutter your home to prevent odors from building up. With a combination of DIY solutions and professional help, you can have a fresh-smelling home in no time!  So when life presents you with an unexpected odor challenge, don't stress - Just reach out to Bio-One for expert assistance.

Bio-One of Marion County is a locally owned and operated biohazard and hoarding cleaning company serving Indianapolis and the surrounding areas. We specialize in all types of extreme cleaning, including blood and bodily fluids, decomposition/undiscovered death, crime scene, suicide cleanup, tear gas, feces/urine, rodent droppings, sewage backups, hoarding, gross filth, virus/bacteria disinfection and odor removal. Helping people get their lives back in order is our #1 priority. 

Bio-One of Marion County is here to help you 24/7, 365 days a year! Call (317) 499-0614, and you'll speak directly to one of us when you call; there is never an answering service.  We'll treat you like a person with the compassion and respect that you deserve.

Odor No More: How to Remove Unwanted Smells from Your Home - Bio-One of Marion County

Unpleasant odors in your home can be a major headache and spoil the natural ambiance. If you've tried everything to remove unwanted smells, it's time to sit up and pay attention. There are simple and practical ways to eliminate unwanted smells from your home. And with a little bit of effort, you'll have a fresher and more inviting living space. Take a look at a few practical ways to get that funky smell out of your home, and how our remediation technicians at Bio-One of Marion County can help if the situation gets too difficult to handle on your own.

Keep Areas Ventilated

One of the easiest ways to keep your home smelling great is to let fresh air in! Open windows and doors to encourage airflow and promote natural air circulation. This simple step can help remove musty odors that form when stale air lingers. Additionally, letting in sunlight can help kill any bacteria or other microorganisms that contribute to unpleasant odors.

Clean Your Home Regularly

Cleaning around your home regularly is the most important thing you can do to remove unwanted smells. Wipe down surfaces with an all-purpose cleaner, vacuum regularly, and sweep your floors. Pay special attention to the high-traffic areas such as the kitchen, bathroom, and living room. These areas tend to accumulate more dirt, dust, and debris which can contribute to unpleasant smells.

For the less-traffic areas, such as guest bedrooms or storage rooms, make sure to deep clean them at least once every six months. This will prevent any lingering odors from forming and keep your home smelling fresh.

use natural deodorizers to remove unwanted smells
Image by Freepik

Use Natural Deodorizers

Instead of using chemical-based air fresheners that simply mask odors, try using natural deodorizers. Some great options include baking soda, white vinegar, or activated charcoal. Sprinkle baking soda on carpets and let it sit for a few hours before vacuuming it up. White vinegar can be used to clean surfaces, floors, and even laundry. Activated charcoal is great for absorbing odors in smaller spaces such as closets or bathrooms.

Use Scented Candles and Essential Oils

If you want to add a fragrance to your home to cover up any unpleasant smells, opt for scented candles and essential oils. Use these in moderation because a strong scent can be as unpleasant as an odor. Essential oils provide a natural fragrance that smells amazing while scented candles warm your home and can help mask any unpleasant smells.

Citrus scents like lemon and orange are a great option for kitchens and holiday seasons. Lavender and chamomile scents help promote relaxation and calmness, so they are perfect for bedrooms.

organize your closet to remove unwanted smells

Organize Your Closets

When you have a lot of stuff crammed into small spaces, it's easy for musty odors to build up. Make sure to organize your closets, cabinets, and wardrobes efficiently to keep clothes and other objects from becoming musty. Use hanging bags or sachet bags filled with fragrant herbs like lavender or rosemary. It can help protect your clothes from bad odors and keep them smelling clean and fresh!

If the Smell Persists, Call Bio-One for Help!

With the tips we've outlined above, you can improve the air quality in your home and remove unwanted smells for good. Keep your living spaces clean and debris-free, use natural odor absorbers, and add a few touches of natural fragrance around your house to keep the air smelling fresh.

If you've tried all of these natural and DIY methods but the unpleasant smell still persists, it may be time to call in the professionals. Bio-One can tackle even the most stubborn smells. We use advanced technology and techniques to permanently eliminate odors from your home, leaving it smelling fresh and clean!

Bio-One of Marion County is a locally owned and operated biohazard and hoarding cleaning company serving Indianapolis and the surrounding areas. We specialize in all types of extreme cleaning, including blood and bodily fluids, decomposition/undiscovered death, crime scene, suicide cleanup, tear gas, feces/urine, rodent droppings, sewage backups, hoarding, gross filth, virus/bacteria disinfection and odor removal. Helping people get their lives back in order is our #1 priority. 

Bio-One of Marion County is here to help you 24/7, 365 days a year! Call (317) 499-0614, and you'll speak directly to one of us when you call; there is never an answering service.  We'll treat you like a person with the compassion and respect that you deserve.

Rebecca Wallace, Bio-One owner, recently visited with Arizona Midday to share how the Bio-One team makes a difference on and off the job in Arizona and throughout the United States. 

Arizona Midday - "Well we've got some help for your home right now. If you're feeling overwhelmed by a clean-up project, we've got help for you today. Rebecca Wallace is with Bio-One. Hi Rebecca. What is Bio-One?"

Rebecca - "So Bio-One is known for crime and trauma scene clean-up. However, we do a lot more than just that. We help people when there is a hoarding situation, so that they can regain their home and their lives again. We help with infectious disease decontaminationrodent droppingsodor abatement, basically if you think you might need a respirator to do the job we're the people you want to call."

Arizona Midday - "Wow, that's incredible. It's stuff we don't want to do. What made you decide to get into this line of work?" 

Rebecca - "So, me and my husband live in Flagstaff most of the time and we were talking with some first responders and heard how when people pass away or they're hoarders there is no one that can help them. There's just no one who does this kind of work. So we decided we want to be able to help our community, help those around us during a time of need so they can actually move forward in their lives and not have to deal with the mess of maybe things that have happened that they don't want to have to think about."

Arizona Midday - "I love that idea. So in order to help your clients as much as possible, do you work with other companies? Tell me about that if you do."

Rebecca - "Yes, we do. We work with quite a few other companies, because what we do is just a piece of a whole puzzle. So we work with a lot of restoration companies, Best Option Restoration, they are state-wide like us so they can help us anywhere as well. We work with animal rescues, so if there is a hoarding situation that animals are involved in we can get the animals out safely and get them rehabilitated. We work with quite a few non-profits that help first responders if they're in a time of need or crisis. It's across the board. We work with all kinds of different people. Contractors. Mental health professionals. Anyone that can be a piece of that puzzle with us, we want to work with them. 

Arizona Midday - "Oh, I love that. So what areas of Arizona does Bio-One cover?"

Rebecca - "We have offices all the way down from Tucson up to Flagstaff, and everything in-between. Our goal is to be able to help our clients within 90 minutes or less if there is an emergency. So we have offices everywhere. Any we're national. We have 120 offices throughout the US as well. 

Arizona Midday - "Wow. That's incredible. So you work with businesses. You work with non-profits, but you're also really involved in the community too, right? Tell me about that."

Rebecca - "Yeah we are. It's important for us to give back. Our community is important. We live here. We're part of it. So in 2020 alone, we gave out over 25,000 bottles of chemicals that are approved by the EPA for COVID-19 decontamination. We have blood drives all throughout Arizona to help with the blood shortage. We donate PPE to first responders and victim advocates. And we have BBQ's throughout the state as well for all of our first responders just to tell them thank you for what they've been doing. They work hard and we want to make sure that they know we care. 

Arizona Midday - "Rebecca Wallace, incredible work that you're doing with Bio-One.  And thank you so much for spending time with us today. 

Rebecca - "Thank you for having me."